Spring Issue 2023

Featured Article

Every 65 seconds in the United States, another person develops Alzheimer’s disease. For decades, this deadly neurodegenerative dementia and disease and its research focused on the accumulation of abnormal aggregates of the beta-amyloid and tau proteins in the brain and how to get rid of the plaques and tangles they triggered. There was little to no evidence of the possibility of prevention. Most people realize that prevention beats cure—especially when no cure has been found. Recent research suggests that it may be possible to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. Enjoy this issue’s featured article, “Alzheimer’s Disease & Prevention.”

Read the article…



Count the black dots on the grid.


When you focus on a single dot, it turns white. The black dots appear around the eyes’ area of focus, not within it. The brain is affected by the dominance of the black squares and thinks that the dots must be negative. None of the dots are black, however. They are all white. This optical illusion is used sometimes in schools, to see how effectively children cope with focus and concentration skills in a learning environment. [Source: illusions-dot-org-slash-dp-slash-1-hyphen-1]

[Puzzle solution for Winter 2023 Brain Bulletin Illusion).




According to the US Census Bureau, of the 127 million Americans who have had COVID-19, 28% developed Long COVID. Other estimates are that one in five individuals who are infected by SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, develop Long COVID. Recently released research can help you understand this. Enjoy these two short articles: “About Long COVID or Long-COVID Conditions” and “COVID-19 Q&As.”

Read "About Long COVID or Long-COVID Conditions"…

Read "COVID-19 Q&As"…


LLM Online Course 

Longevity Lifestyle Matters – Online

With emerging research suggestions that Alzheimer’s disease may reflect some lifestyle choices and that changing some of those choices may be able to prevent Alzheimer’s, especially if caught early, the Realizations Inc Governing Board has decided to make the Longevity Lifestyle Style Matters Online program free permanently. LLM Online is all about a longevity lifestyle! Continuing Education Credits will still be offered for a fee, but the program itself will be free. My amazing webmaster team and I are working to accomplish this as quickly as possible.

I encourage you to take advantage of this information. The life you save may be your own.

See LLM Online…

Access LLM Online Course...


Legends of the Wild Series

Five of the Legends of the Wild books have been released, #5 most recently. They are designed to share information about the importance of Emotional Intelligence through animal allegories that also highlight each creature’s uniqueness. [Click on the links below to access the books on Amazon.]

Again, thank you to those of you who have left such affirming reviews on Amazon.com about Music on the Brain and Taylor’s other books. Reviews are sincerely appreciated!

See all 5 books on Amazon.com…


qaTaylor’s Q&As

Q. Is there some way to tell if people really love you? Answer…

Q. Lately it seems there are so many people doing so many unkind things to others, but nothing seems to be done about it. How can they get away with that? Answer…

Q. How do you handle things when someone you believed was a life-time friend suddenly stops connecting regularly with you, or ghosts you, or acts like they don’t know you when you see them in public, or you found out they said non-affirming things about you to others, or gets angry at you for something and blithely moves on and tells others that’s what they are doing? It hurts! Answer…

Q. Can the brain be programmed to think more positively? Answer…

Q. How does watching horror movies and slasher films affect the brain, or do they? Answer…

Q. What is brain function to you? Answer…

Q. How can I become smarter? Answer…

More Q&As with Dr. Taylor...

Taylor’s Vegan Gluten-free Waffles

chef Dr. Taylor prefers waffles over pancakes because waffles get cooked through more evenly. Not only do they freeze well, but they also warm up quickly in a toaster, especially one with a defrost option. That allows them to go from the freezer directly to the defrost option on a toaster.

The ingredients for "Taylor's Vegan Gluten-free Waffles" are easily available and are both healthier and relatively inexpensive to make. It is Taylor’s favorite waffle recipe.

There have been several questions about what type of waffle iron Taylor prefers. She likes the type that makes four round waffles. Her latest one is a DASH from Amazon.com (and no, she gets no kick-back for telling people what she uses).

Then make a batch of "Taylor's Blueberry Sauce" for your waffles!

Taylor’s Vegan Gluten-free Waffles recipe…

Taylor's Blueberry Sauce…

More recipes from Taylor...


Taylor’s Video series

YouTube Taylor Brain Bytes – These four-minute videos present a variety of brain-related topics, many triggered by questions from viewers. A new episode has been released every other Saturday morning since January 14, 2023.
Access Taylor’s YouTube playlist of Taylor Brain Bytes.
Access Taylor Brain Bytes on Anchor/Spotify.

The Magic of Emotional Intelligence – These four-minute videos present ways in which raising Emotional intelligence or EQ can help you better manage a variety of situations in life. A new episode has been released every other Saturday morning since January 7, 2023.
Access Taylor’s YouTube playlist for The Magic of Emotional Intelligence (biweekly).

Brain Secrets – Ask Dr. Taylor – This series presents answers to questions asked by “people on the street.” Aja Hudson and Grant Gilmore, part of the Brain Secrets team, bring the questions back to the studio where Dr. Taylor answers them. A new episode is released each month. The brain loves variety. The team cannot get to every city, however. Recently, the “Brain Secrets – Ask Dr. Taylor Online” team received requests from the online community asking to be included. Therefore, the team is creating a new series: Ask Dr. Taylor in the DMs. Watch for it on her YouTube channel.

Access Taylor’s YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/braingurutaylor or www.youtube.com/@braingurutaylor.

NOTE: If you subscribe to a YouTube channel and ask to be notified of all new videos posted, you can be notified in your own YouTube account, in your Google Chrome browser, or by email. For detailed instructions, see https://www.youtube.com/account_notifications.

See Realizations Inc…

The Magic of Emotional Intelligence (biweekly)
Is Emotional Intelligence really magic? It can seem like magic when it helps improve your life and relationships.
Taylor Brain Bytes on Dr. Taylor's YouTube channel (published biweekly)



Taylor’s Blog

Follow Taylor’s weekday blog (which is released every weekday at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time), and stimulate your brain while learning more brain bits. Spend three minutes a day learning something about brain health and then choose to implement helpful strategies. Access Taylor’s blog:

*Here's how to get Dr. Taylor's blog posts sent to your email address. If you are accessing the blog on your phone, scroll all the way down to the bottom and tap on "View web version." Then (on the phone web version or on your computer or tablet) scroll down, look on the right side, and find the "Follow by Email" window, enter your email address, and click on SUBMIT. You will receive a confirmation email at that address which you must respond to in order to be subscribed to the blog posts.

Follow Taylor's Blog...

Point to Ponder

There is NO such thing as multitasking. What you can do is switch between tasks quickly, not undertake two tasks at the same time. And, when you are switching between tasks, you are doing neither well.
—Lon Safko

Attempts at multitasking are thought to be the precursor of many mistakes—especially when doing intense mental work—and for accidents that range from cutting your finger when slicing veggies, to distracted walking when using your cell phone, or distracted driving, or attempts to multitask when using electrical equipment.

Studies found it can take between 7 to 10 seconds for the brain to completely switch attention between two different tasks. The time between task-switching is problematic because you are not completely focused on either task.

Studies of vehicle drivers suggest that when negotiating through city traffic or on high-traffic roads, the driver needs to focus fully on the driving. In areas of low traffic density, however, passively listening to the radio may be beneficial by reducing mind wandering because of using a less interfering task alternative.

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