Fall Issue 2022

Featured Article

Do you experience negative stress when you are asked to speak in public? Do you avoid such situations whenever possible? Do you fear criticism? Guess what: It is possible to turn anxiety into excitement and improve your performances. Check out this issue’s article: "Perfecting Performance 101."



Read the article...


Mental Health & Wellness

Cognitive CenterDr. Taylor is author of the Mental Health & Wellness program directed by CEO Daniel Mendez at the Pacific Health Education Cognitive Center in Bakersfield, California. A brain-based program, it aligns with the DSM-5 and has been approved by CMS for online presentation.

Check out the website to learn more about this program and to read a couple of Dr. Taylor’s fables, designed to present mental heath information in an unusual way. On the home page, scroll down to the bottom for “Fable of the Pouty Parrot” and “Beary Worried about Food.” 

Visit Cognitive Center...

Music on the Brain

Music on the BrainBy Taylor and Hudson. Your brain is your most important musical instrument. Did you know that music can help you have a healthier retirement? Or that learning to play a musical instrument in childhood can give children a leg up in school? Or that a sense of hearing is the first sensory system to develop during gestation and the last to fade at end of life? Enjoy learning more about your brain in the process. Think ahead and share copies with family and friends who enjoy music.

If you read the book and learn something new about the brain or music, please leave a review.

Purchase on Amazon.com...



What do you see first? Which version is easier for your brain to see?

Draw one of your own.


Taylor’s EQ Videos

1. Brain Secrets – Ask Dr. Taylor. This series presents answers to questions that “people on the street” asked. Aja Hudson and Grant Gilmore bring the questions back to the studio where they are answered by Dr. Taylor.

2. Emotional Intelligence videos – These four-minute videos present ways in which raising your level of EQ skills can help you better manage a variety of situations in life.

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Selected Videos

Please visit this expanding section on Taylor's website! We have compiled a list of interviews and related videos. You may want to bookmark this page as we will be adding more selected videos.

Selected Videos...


Adventures of Stella in Spanish

Now available on Amazon.com! Danny Rodela has completed the Spanish translation for Adventuras de Stella—y su Cerebro. This book provides information about Extroversion, Ambiversion, and Introversion along with the benefit of developing emotional intelligence skills. Help Spanish-speaking children to learn more about how the brain works and the reason they may be more comfortable in some environments than others. Building Emotional Intelligence (EQ) skills in childhood can give the children a leg up in adulthood. Think ahead to individuals who would enjoy receiving this book as a present. It is also available in English.

¡Ya disponible en Amazon.com! Danny Rodela completó la traducción al español de Adventuras de Stella—y su Cerebro. Este libro brinda información acerca de la extroversión, la ambiversión y la introversión junto con el beneficio de desarrollar habilidades de inteligencia emocional. Ayude a los niños de habla hispana a aprender más sobre cómo funciona el cerebro y la razón por la que pueden sentirse más cómodos en algunos entornos que en otros. Desarrollar habilidades de inteligencia emocional (EQ) en la infancia puede ayudar a los niños en la edad adulta. Piense en las personas a las que les gustaría recibir este libro como regalo.

Spanish version on Amazon...

English version on Amazon...

Taylor Brain Bytes

Be sure to check out Taylor’s weekly audio and video podcasts, "Taylor Brain Bytes." These are short (3-5 minutes) audio and video podcasts on brain-related topics.

NEW FORMAT! Taylor Brain Bytes video podcasts are now presented with voiceovers at the beginning and ending of each episode. The first of these new format episodes will air on October 8 and October 15. Please see a sample below.

Taylor Brain Bytes is available on the following listening platforms:

Find one that you like and subscribe today!

Link to all podcasts to date...

"What is wrong with frowning?"


qaTaylor’s Q&As

Q. Our 11-year-old twins are falling behind in their school work. One of them fell asleep last night at dinner. It is a real struggle to get them awake and ready for school by 6:00 a.m. The doctor says they are healthy but thinks they need more sleep. We told them to go to bed at 10:00 p.m. and have all electronics turned off by 11:00 p.m. They claim that this is the time when they connect with their friends so they can’t turn them off. What do we do now? Answer...

Q. We take in so much information. Why do we forget it and where does it go? Answer...

Q. Can alcohol have a long-term effect on the brain? Especially for people who are in Las Vegas? Answer...

Q. How does rejection affect the brain? How can you overcome and process the feelings of being rejected? Answer...

Q. Why do people react differently to decisions, and why are people more emotional or less emotional about the decisions they make? Answer...

Q. What makes a sociopath a sociopath? Answer...

More Q&As with Dr. Taylor...

Taylor’s Vegan Waffles

chefThe question read: “I cannot find a waffle recipe that is more than eggs, oil, sugar, and white flour. Actually, I would like a vegan recipe that is tasty!" In response, Dr. Taylor is sharing her favorite vegan waffle recipe, and yes, it is very tasty.


Link to Vegan Waffle Recipe...

More recipes from Taylor...


LLM Online Course 

Hundreds of individuals are learning how to stay healthier and younger for longer in the comfort of their own home. Check out Longevity Lifestyle Matters Online.

Please be sure to read through the introduction, which contains instructions. Note that you need to create and activate an account and then log in to your account before purchasing.

If you'd like to have one FREE module before purchasing, read through this overview. There's even a bonus video included!

Access LLM Online Course...

Taylor’s Blog

Follow Taylor’s weekday blog (which is released every weekday at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time), and stimulate your brain while learning more brain bits. Spend three minutes a day learning something about brain health and then choose to implement helpful strategies. Access Taylor’s blog:

*Here's how to get Dr. Taylor's blog posts sent to your email address. If you are accessing the blog on your phone, scroll all the way down to the bottom and tap on "View web version." Then (on the phone web version or on your computer or tablet) scroll down, look on the right side, and find the "Follow by Email" window, enter your email address, and click on SUBMIT. You will receive a confirmation email at that address which you must respond to in order to be subscribed to the blog posts.

Follow Taylor's Blog...

Printable Flyer 

If you would like a printable PDF of Dr. Taylor's resource information, here it is!

Point to Ponder

Stress does not change the result—it just messes up the journey.
—Zen Wijeyesinghe

When “distress” (negative stress) or “misstress” (hidden stress) is extreme or chronic, it can suppress immune system function, to say nothing of wasted opportunities and communication discord. Any or all of that “messes up the journey.”

Implement the 20:80 Rule that says:

Only 20% of any negative impact to your brain and body from a stressful event is due to the event or situation itself; 80% is due to your perception of the event and the weight you give to it. While you cannot prevent everything, you can learn to manage the 80% successfully.

Find, follow, and subscribe to us on Facebook, TwitterYouTube, LinkedIn, and Blogspot, visit our website, and contact us by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. using the links below.
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Copyright © 2022  Arlene R Taylor PhD, Realizations Inc., All rights reserved.