Fall Issue 2019

Featured Article

Some say that “unity in diversity” is a pie-in-the-sky concept that is unrealistic in the extreme. It does seem that, in the current state of life on Planet Earth, achieving unity in almost anything is a challenge, whether that be at home, school, church, work, play, or government. The place to begin cultivating unity is really at the grass-roots level—in the home. It may not spread to every member of the extended family, but it can happen for many of them. The featured article for this issue of SynapSez® is entitled “It Can Happen...” With the holiday season coming up, this is a good time to think ahead.... Have fun reading it!

Read the article...


Website Hack

Some of you may know that the Longevity Lifestyle Matters website was hacked. That necessitated moving the content to Taylor’s website, a monumental task that the webmaster was able to complete in only a couple of weeks! Information for both English and Spanish can now be accessed from the main menu:

Longevity Lifestyle Matters (in English)...

Importancia de Estilo de Vida de Longevidad (en español)...


Spanish Translations

The Longevity Lifestyle Matters program materials are now available in Spanish for Spanish-Speaking LLM Certified Facilitators.

Adventures of the Longevity Mystery Club has also been translated into Spanish by Sylvia Altsman and is in process of being published.


Q & A

Q. My two boys came home from school today saying they heard you talk about “blue light rays from the sun.” Excuse me? Blue light comes from electronics! I told them you are a brain function specialist and can’t be expected to know everything. Answer...

Q. I have heard you make comments about some studies on addictive foods and you mentioned pizza. Pizza? Are you kidding me? Our family loves pizza! We eat it at least three times a week or more often but we are certainly not addicted! Please comment. Answer...

Q. What can you tell me about sleepwalking? Why does it occur? The 10-year-old daughter of my best friend has started to sleepwalk and it’s scary! Answer...

Q. I don’t understand a comment you made during one seminar when you said, “No one makes you exhibit dysfunctional behaviors.” Then where do they come from? Answer...

Q. I am sure you have heard this said as a joke, but I am dead serious: “Why can’t a woman be more like a man?” You’re a brain function specialist. Why are male-female relationships so difficult? Answer...

Q. I have heard you say that you never drink ice water and I cannot imagine why not. What’s wrong with ice water? Plus, you drink warm water first thing every morning. Doesn’t that make you gag? Answer...

Q. My cousin says she was diagnosed with REM Sleep Behavior Disorder. Have you ever heard of such a thing? Answer...

More Q&A with Dr. Taylor...


Taylor's Blog

Follow Taylor’s weekday blog and stimulate your brain while learning more brain bits. Access Taylor’s blog:

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*Here's how to get Dr. Taylor's blog posts sent to your email address. If you are accessing the blog on your phone, scroll all the way down to the bottom and tap on "View web version." Then (on the phone web version or on your computer or tablet) scroll down, look on the right side, and find the "Follow by Email" window, enter your email address, and click on SUBMIT. You will receive a confirmation email at that address which you must respond to in order to be subscribed to the blog posts.

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Seminar Opportunities

Would you like to know where Dr. Taylor is scheduled to speak? Click on Speaking Schedule from the main menu. In addition, Current Seminars are listed on the right-hand side of the home page on a computer. If you’re on a smart phone, scroll down to the bottom.

Link to Speaking Schedule...



The latest granola recipe uses organic rolled oats and quinoa flakes.

And here is a sample collection of recipes en español, Muestra de Receta.

See more of Taylor’s Recipes…


Point to Ponder

The subconscious mind is strictly a stimulus-response playback device… the subconscious works only in the “now.” 

—Bruce Lipton, PhD

The subconscious mind, which Candace B. Pert, PhD said included 80 percent of the brain and the entire body, is touted as being a million times faster in terms of processing and triggering behavior than the conscious mind. And because it works only in the “now,” as Dr. Lipton pointed out, it is important to speak to it not only in the present tense but in an affirming style, as well. Tell it what you want it to do. Put that into working memory and avoid talking about what you do not want to have happen. The brain was not designed to “stop” a behavior, especially one that has given you pleasure. The brain was designed to use its considerable power in tandem with willpower to “record” a new behavior and play it back when stimulated to do so. Talk to your subconscious as if it were another person—you—which it is, using your first name and the pronoun you. [“Arlene, the next brain bulletin is ready.”] Then get busy and get it done!

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