Q: You talk about "intelligences." How does that concept fit with IQ?
A: Intelligence Quotient or IQ has been bandied about for generations, although it is only one type of intelligence. Emotional Quotient or EQ may be the most recent type of intelligence to be identified. There are many other types, as well.
In 1983, Dr. Howard Gardner proposed seven different intelligences to account for a broader range of potential in human beings. Those were:
- Logical-mathematical or number-reasoning smart
- Linguistic or word smart
- Spatial or picture smart
- Bodily-Kinesthetic or body smart
- Musical or music smart
- Interpersonal or people smart
- Intra-personal or self smart
- In 1999 Gardner added an eighth intelligence with the potential for a ninth:
- Naturalistic or nature smart
- Possible existential intelligence or a proclivity for posing and pondering questions about life, death, and ultimate realities