©Arlene Taylor PhD

While driving to a seminar destination I became stuck in some very slow traffic. I alerted the host by cell phone, looked at the map, and exited at the next off ramp to access an alternative route. When I arrived just in the nick of time, I was presented with a summary outlining how each brain lead might respond to the situation.

brain lead Left Frontal Lobe

  • Contact CHP or 911 for information about estimated time delays
  • Use GPS to explore alternative routes
  • Issue instructions via cell phone to subordinates while waiting


brain lead Right Frontal Lobe

  • Use the cell phone to call ahead and alert others
  • Check the map (if one was in the car) for alternatives
  • Drive on the shoulder to the nearest exit and figure out another route

brain lead Left Posterior Lobes

  • Turn off the engine to save gas
  • Wait for CHP instructions
  • Work on a crossword puzzle while waiting


brain lead Right Posterior Lobes

  • Go car-to-car chatting with waiting travelers
  • Offer use of a cell phone to others
  • Listen to the radio or read a story while waiting