©Arlene Taylor PhD

Almost anyone can rebel if given the right environment or set of circumstances. The triggers for rebelling are often very different for different individuals, as well as the types of rebelling behaviors that are exhibited. Sometimes the triggers are connected with one’s innate brain lead (see below) but other factors such as gender, culture, past experience, subconsciously absorbed beliefs, and family-of-origin can play a part.

brain lead Left Frontal Lobe

  • May rebel when they perceive:
    • The decisions being made are not based on an inductive/deductive style of reasoning
    • They are a pawn, and the goal is different from what they had been told and/or incongruent with their value system
    • They are being oppressed by others or by a system
    • A strong desire to be in control and to make the decisions (e.g., resources are being withheld or mismanaged


brain lead Right Frontal Lobe

  • May rebel when they perceive:
    • There is a lack of genuine freedom
    • That their expertise in entrepreneurial envisioning, strategic thinking, or artistic creativity was requested, but subsequently was not accepted or even heard
    • That they need to make a point by standing out
    • They do not like or respect a specific group of people, organization, or environment
    • They envision what could be if the system changed

brain lead Left Posterior Lobes

  • May rebel when they perceive:
    • There is no routine or sequence or procedure to follow, with no established production standards
    • They are unable to run their routines without interruption or continual demands for change
    • There is a strong leader or organization that can restore or maintain order

brain lead Right Posterior Lobes

  • May rebel when they perceive:
    • An absence of harmonious connection with others and/or with a Higher Power
    • A situation or behavior or environment to be cruel, evil, wounding, painful, hopeless, etc.
    • Friends or family members being injured or abused (e.g., take a stand on their behalf)